Hey there VitaBoys and Gals. We here at the VitaBoys know how much you absolutely love gaming related products and attire. Time and Time again you have made it very clear that you want us to show you more products that will fit the gamers lifestyle. Therefore we decided to go on a hunt for some of the greatest products that a gamer could possibly have. Naturally we ran across gaming subscription boxes, where gamers pay a small flat fee a month and receive a box full of gaming and geeky goodies. While we did find several great subscription boxes, one box stood out to us as we searched. This box was GeekFuel. GeekFuel has one tiny flat fee a month and is totally worth the price when you see the box arrive at your door and you get the opportunity to pop that bad boy open. Nothing quite compares to the feeling that comes over a gamer when they get to see the amazing goodies thrown into their monthly GeekFuel. Read on to see everything we were fortunate enough to receive in our GeekFuel boxes this past December.
The December edition of GeekFuel was easily one of the most fun things to explore. I popped open this bad boy and lost my mind when I saw the amazing content that lied within the sheek red box that had literally just been shipped off to my house the day prior. I was excited just by the simple fact that GeekFuel made sure the puppy arrived as soon as humanly possible. Little did I know that the excitement of express shipping was the least of my excitements for the day. The second I opened the box I saw it was packed full of goodies. I saw so many items in the box that I had no clue where to even start. I did know however, that I had definitely got way more than my money's worth just by first glance of the contents of the GeekFuel. The first item I found was a custom made Princess Leia T-Shirt.
Princess Leia T-Shirt
MSRP- $16.99
The Princess Leia Sugarskull T-shirt is impossible to find outside of the GeekFuel box. Trust me I looked. This item is easily one of the most unique T-shirts I have ever found. The design is amazing, and the quality of the shirt is even better. This is not some knock-off 6% cotton junk. This t-shirt is extremely comfortable and not lacking in quality whatsoever, the same can be expected for all shirts that GeekFuel gives out. I can truly attest to that. Furthermore for fans of Star Wars, this item is a cannot miss item. Of course, you did miss it if you weren't subscribed. But it'd be best to subscribe to make sure you had never miss another amazing exclusive like this ever again.
Android Mini Figures
MSRP- $9.95
Now the Anroid Mini Figure was my favorite item in the entire box. Many people would disagree with my stance after seeing the other amazing items the box contained. I just have a thing for mini figures, and I was so excited to see the Android Mini Figure sitting atop my box. The little guy is such a high-quality plastic, and comes in 1 of 7 different designs. I ended up getting the Yeti, and Ang ended up getting the Taxi. Both of the figures had such a great design on them and look amazing sitting atop our studio shelf with the rest of the collection. This also might seem a bit odd to say, but the Android came in an amazing box for those of you who cannot bare to open up collectables.
Atomic Coffee
MSRP- $7.99
Now this item might sound a bit weird inside of a geeks box. But come on, are you seriously going to complain about getting some more coffee? You definitely won't be complaining after you taste this stuff. It is some of the strongest but most delicious coffee I have ever tasted in my entire life. The Atomic Coffee has a perfect name. This stuff is packed with 50% more caffeine than most energy drinks or sodas. This certainly will help keep you up while you binge on 20 hours of gaming on the PS Vita. Hold up though, it gets even better. The Atomic Coffee comes in so many different flavors. We got Java Blast, and Cinna-Buzz. Try mixing those together and not bouncing off the walls. Now you know why we were able to record such a long podcast last week.
Terraria Bookmark and Game Code
MSRP- $10
I want you to think about something for a second. Just ponder this. For approximately the price of Terraria, you could have gotten an entire box full of amazing items. Oh, and this box also came with Terraria. I mean come on, how can you possibly get any more bang for your buck. We saw this bookmark and thought, awesome a Terraria bookmark, moving on. Then we looked a little closer and noticed that this bookmark also just so happened to have a stinking Steam Game code for Terraria. How can you ever be mad about receiving an entire game, basically free. By the way the bookmark is pretty cool, even though I will never use a bookmark. It has become somewhat of a paper weight for me. See, because it weighs itself down. Of course for those of who somehow like reading, well you now have an awesome new bookmark.
Nihontown Poster
Estimated MSRP- $15.99
These next few items are the highlights of this months GeekFuel box. Starting off these exclusive never before seen items is an amazing poster drawn by Enfu. For those of you who don't know, Enfu is a game developer and illustrator. He worked on huge titles like Halo, and Scribblenauts. GeekFuel had him come over and create one of the greatest gaming posters you will ever see. It is honestly impossible to put into words the quality of this poster. The poster is basically an explosion of American and Japanese culture thrown onto one extremely busy street in Nihontown. The poster references some of pop culture's biggest icons. I spotted several including the likes of Hello Miffy (Hello Kitty), and Charlie Brown. It is one amazing piece of Art and is worth it's weight in gold in my opinion.
Cosplay Sticker Set
Estimated MSRP- $5.99
The next item once again was created by Enfu. He once again uses his amazing artistic abilities to recreate some of gaming's biggest icons, this time in the form of stickers. The artistic genius recreated so many great characters including, Mario, Batman, Naruto, Boba Fett, MegaMan, and of course Nyan Cat. The quality of the art is amazing, and it is so hard to put a price on these sorts of items. It is definitley known that these items are so rare and hard to find in boxes that aren't.....well..... GeekFuel.
Holiday Greeting Card
Estimated MSRP- $2.99
GeekFuel is all about beating stale mail. Everyone is so sick of bills, and letters, and more bills. They have definitely helped to make receiving mail a lot more fun. They decided to do that once again by throwing in this awesome Hobbit greeting card. This item is of course exclusive to GeekFuel and is actually quite a good card. GeekFuel encourages you to join in the revolution against stale mail. In fact the VitaBoys even joined in. We took the cards and mailed them to two of our biggest fans with an autograph. We wonder what you would do with yours.
How To Speak Dothraki
Estimated MSRP- $2.99
Finally the last item we found in our GeekFuel was a booklet on how to Learn to Speak Dothraki. Now don't be mad at me, but I had no idea what that was until now. Apparently its from Game of Thrones, and now I know how to speak a bunch of the language, and have never watched the show. Regardless, its an amazing item that just shows GeekFuels commitment to provide amazing content for all Geeks no matter what they love.
It was an absolute pleasure to open up December's GeekFuel. We have always loved gaming subscription boxes, but something about GeekFuel just surprised us. From price, to quick shipping, to customer service, to amazing contents, GeekFuel is one of the greates pleasures I have had in a long time. Expect to hear us talk about GeekFuel many times again on the VitaBoys podcast, and expect many more reviews in the coming months. In the meantime go head on over to Geekfuel.com and check out their amazing products.
The December edition of GeekFuel was easily one of the most fun things to explore. I popped open this bad boy and lost my mind when I saw the amazing content that lied within the sheek red box that had literally just been shipped off to my house the day prior. I was excited just by the simple fact that GeekFuel made sure the puppy arrived as soon as humanly possible. Little did I know that the excitement of express shipping was the least of my excitements for the day. The second I opened the box I saw it was packed full of goodies. I saw so many items in the box that I had no clue where to even start. I did know however, that I had definitely got way more than my money's worth just by first glance of the contents of the GeekFuel. The first item I found was a custom made Princess Leia T-Shirt.
December GeekFuel
Price- $13.90
Price of Items- $72.89
Savings- $58.99
Princess Leia T-Shirt
MSRP- $16.99
The Princess Leia Sugarskull T-shirt is impossible to find outside of the GeekFuel box. Trust me I looked. This item is easily one of the most unique T-shirts I have ever found. The design is amazing, and the quality of the shirt is even better. This is not some knock-off 6% cotton junk. This t-shirt is extremely comfortable and not lacking in quality whatsoever, the same can be expected for all shirts that GeekFuel gives out. I can truly attest to that. Furthermore for fans of Star Wars, this item is a cannot miss item. Of course, you did miss it if you weren't subscribed. But it'd be best to subscribe to make sure you had never miss another amazing exclusive like this ever again.
Android Mini Figures
MSRP- $9.95
Atomic Coffee
MSRP- $7.99
Now this item might sound a bit weird inside of a geeks box. But come on, are you seriously going to complain about getting some more coffee? You definitely won't be complaining after you taste this stuff. It is some of the strongest but most delicious coffee I have ever tasted in my entire life. The Atomic Coffee has a perfect name. This stuff is packed with 50% more caffeine than most energy drinks or sodas. This certainly will help keep you up while you binge on 20 hours of gaming on the PS Vita. Hold up though, it gets even better. The Atomic Coffee comes in so many different flavors. We got Java Blast, and Cinna-Buzz. Try mixing those together and not bouncing off the walls. Now you know why we were able to record such a long podcast last week.
Terraria Bookmark and Game Code
MSRP- $10

Estimated MSRP- $15.99
These next few items are the highlights of this months GeekFuel box. Starting off these exclusive never before seen items is an amazing poster drawn by Enfu. For those of you who don't know, Enfu is a game developer and illustrator. He worked on huge titles like Halo, and Scribblenauts. GeekFuel had him come over and create one of the greatest gaming posters you will ever see. It is honestly impossible to put into words the quality of this poster. The poster is basically an explosion of American and Japanese culture thrown onto one extremely busy street in Nihontown. The poster references some of pop culture's biggest icons. I spotted several including the likes of Hello Miffy (Hello Kitty), and Charlie Brown. It is one amazing piece of Art and is worth it's weight in gold in my opinion.
Cosplay Sticker Set
Estimated MSRP- $5.99

Holiday Greeting Card
Estimated MSRP- $2.99
GeekFuel is all about beating stale mail. Everyone is so sick of bills, and letters, and more bills. They have definitely helped to make receiving mail a lot more fun. They decided to do that once again by throwing in this awesome Hobbit greeting card. This item is of course exclusive to GeekFuel and is actually quite a good card. GeekFuel encourages you to join in the revolution against stale mail. In fact the VitaBoys even joined in. We took the cards and mailed them to two of our biggest fans with an autograph. We wonder what you would do with yours.

Estimated MSRP- $2.99
Finally the last item we found in our GeekFuel was a booklet on how to Learn to Speak Dothraki. Now don't be mad at me, but I had no idea what that was until now. Apparently its from Game of Thrones, and now I know how to speak a bunch of the language, and have never watched the show. Regardless, its an amazing item that just shows GeekFuels commitment to provide amazing content for all Geeks no matter what they love.
It was an absolute pleasure to open up December's GeekFuel. We have always loved gaming subscription boxes, but something about GeekFuel just surprised us. From price, to quick shipping, to customer service, to amazing contents, GeekFuel is one of the greates pleasures I have had in a long time. Expect to hear us talk about GeekFuel many times again on the VitaBoys podcast, and expect many more reviews in the coming months. In the meantime go head on over to Geekfuel.com and check out their amazing products.