Hey there VitaBoys and Gals, guess what time of the month it is. Thats right, its that time of the month where our buds over at Arcade Block send us a box chock full of amazing gaming related goodies. Last month we got a box full of amazing craziness that included exclusive items like an aperature labs scarf, and amazing pricey items like a huge pack of Sonic the Hedgehog Sonic magnets. The box was amazing and was a great way to introduce the VitaBoys to Arcade Block, now we are back at you with January's box and we must say it was full of even greater and more exclusive items than last months.
Before we jump into it, for those of you who are unaware of what Arcade Block is let me explain it to you. Arcade Block is an amazing monthly subscription service where you pay an extremely small flat fee and get sent a box chock full of amazing gaming related toys, t-shirts, devices and more. Last months items cost a whopping $78 and all you had to pay for the box was a measly 20 bucks, a saving of over $50. The box is a no brainer for gaming fans and we truly reccomend it. If you are interested click the orange subscribe button below the picture to take a look at what deals you are going to recieve from Arcade Block. Now enough rambling, onto the amazing contents of January's Arcade Block.
Donkey Kong Shirt
Estimated MSRP- $15
First things first, lets take a look at the amazing exclusive t-shirt that was included in this months Arcade Block. For any gaming fan ever, Nintendo, Sony, Xbox it doesn't matter, you probably know who Donkey Kong is. I mean can you get any more classic than this.... I think not. Well Arcade Block gave us one of the funniest Donkey Kong t-shirts I have ever seen. It came in grey, blue, and black, and no matter which one you got the shirt looks amazing. I also have to say that these shirts are always such high-quality. Like seriously high quality. I would easily have paid $30 for this bad boy inside of a store, instead thanks to Arcade Block I have been wearing this around non-stop the last week for such a steal. Every box comes with a shirt, this might be my favorite so far.
Plants VS. Zombies Comic
MSRP- $9.25
The next amazing item we were so ecstatic to see inside the January box was a massive Plants vs. Zombies
comic book. I mean this item was downright amazing to see inside the box. It gives a voice to the massive Plants Versus Zombies franchise, and is so much fun to read through. The standalone tale was absolutely hilarious, and the artwork was downright amazing. This item alone was beyond worth the $20 that the Arcade Block cost. Its items like these that make subscribing to these goes so much fun. I could go on and on about this fun book.
Tetris Notebook
MSRP- $11.08
On to the next item which originally appeared inside a Nerd Block but was requested so many times that Arcade Block placed it inside this months Arcade Block. Another example of how Arcade Block is such a great company, which is why we chose to work with them. Anyways the Tetris Notebook is once again, such a unique and fun item. I wouldn't suggest using it at school, its not exactly college ruled. However the notebook is perfect for classic video game fans. It definitely brings back some memories of how even little blocks have the ability to cause gamers to want to break their controllers.
Sega Buttons
MSRP- $4.99
Sega Genesis buttons, oh how this item took me on a trip down memory lane. Specifically with the Earth Worm Jim button, this game took countless hours out of my life...... I seriously mean countless. Also included in the little 4 pack of buttons is a Sonic The Hedgehog button, a Ninja Gaiden button, and a Battle Toads button. No matter what kind of gamer you are, one of these definitely has the power to make you just go crawling back to your Sega Genesis to delve back into these gaming classics.
Gorilla Stickers
MSRP- $8.99
Sticking with the theme of the Donkey Kong t-shirt we have the next item of Gorilla Stickers. No not stickers of Gorillas, stickers of gaming characters restyled to look like Gorillas. We know pretty weird, or so we thought at first too, then we saw the bad boys. These are some of the most well designed pieces of gaming art we have seen in a while. These bad boys take characters like Link, Starfox, Sackboy, Nathan Drake and so many more and turn them into disgusting blood thirty creature lookalikes. Its pretty amazing actually, and they have joined the collection of stickers upon our podcasting studio.
Mega Bloks Halo Ghost
MSRP- $20
Finally the last item of the box and the Arcade Certified Product of the Month goes to a Mega Bloks Halo Ghost set. More specifically the set is the Rapid Attack Covenant Ghost Set. This item is once again a classic for any gaming fans, I don't care for Halo and I was excited to see this in the box. It did teach me how terrible I am at building Legos/Mega Bloks though so yeah there's that. Also I should mention that this bad boy alone paid for your entire box. Yeah! So you bought a Halo Ghost and got a t-shirt, Tetris Notebook, Plants VS Zombies Comic Book, Sega Buttons, and Gorilla Stickers completely free. INSANE!
So fans another month down and I highly recommend subscribing before next month. Take a look at this picture and see the massive amount of items that will pack next months box, and no these are not exact. It wouldn't be much of a mystery then would it. So go take a look at what Arcade Block has to offer through this SUBSCRIBE link. You won't regret it. Until next month VitaBoys out.
Before we jump into it, for those of you who are unaware of what Arcade Block is let me explain it to you. Arcade Block is an amazing monthly subscription service where you pay an extremely small flat fee and get sent a box chock full of amazing gaming related toys, t-shirts, devices and more. Last months items cost a whopping $78 and all you had to pay for the box was a measly 20 bucks, a saving of over $50. The box is a no brainer for gaming fans and we truly reccomend it. If you are interested click the orange subscribe button below the picture to take a look at what deals you are going to recieve from Arcade Block. Now enough rambling, onto the amazing contents of January's Arcade Block.
January Arcade Block
Box Price- $20
Price of Items- $69.31
Savings- $49.31
Donkey Kong Shirt
Estimated MSRP- $15
First things first, lets take a look at the amazing exclusive t-shirt that was included in this months Arcade Block. For any gaming fan ever, Nintendo, Sony, Xbox it doesn't matter, you probably know who Donkey Kong is. I mean can you get any more classic than this.... I think not. Well Arcade Block gave us one of the funniest Donkey Kong t-shirts I have ever seen. It came in grey, blue, and black, and no matter which one you got the shirt looks amazing. I also have to say that these shirts are always such high-quality. Like seriously high quality. I would easily have paid $30 for this bad boy inside of a store, instead thanks to Arcade Block I have been wearing this around non-stop the last week for such a steal. Every box comes with a shirt, this might be my favorite so far.
Plants VS. Zombies Comic
MSRP- $9.25

comic book. I mean this item was downright amazing to see inside the box. It gives a voice to the massive Plants Versus Zombies franchise, and is so much fun to read through. The standalone tale was absolutely hilarious, and the artwork was downright amazing. This item alone was beyond worth the $20 that the Arcade Block cost. Its items like these that make subscribing to these goes so much fun. I could go on and on about this fun book.

MSRP- $11.08
On to the next item which originally appeared inside a Nerd Block but was requested so many times that Arcade Block placed it inside this months Arcade Block. Another example of how Arcade Block is such a great company, which is why we chose to work with them. Anyways the Tetris Notebook is once again, such a unique and fun item. I wouldn't suggest using it at school, its not exactly college ruled. However the notebook is perfect for classic video game fans. It definitely brings back some memories of how even little blocks have the ability to cause gamers to want to break their controllers.
Sega Buttons
MSRP- $4.99

Gorilla Stickers
MSRP- $8.99
Sticking with the theme of the Donkey Kong t-shirt we have the next item of Gorilla Stickers. No not stickers of Gorillas, stickers of gaming characters restyled to look like Gorillas. We know pretty weird, or so we thought at first too, then we saw the bad boys. These are some of the most well designed pieces of gaming art we have seen in a while. These bad boys take characters like Link, Starfox, Sackboy, Nathan Drake and so many more and turn them into disgusting blood thirty creature lookalikes. Its pretty amazing actually, and they have joined the collection of stickers upon our podcasting studio.
Mega Bloks Halo Ghost
MSRP- $20

So fans another month down and I highly recommend subscribing before next month. Take a look at this picture and see the massive amount of items that will pack next months box, and no these are not exact. It wouldn't be much of a mystery then would it. So go take a look at what Arcade Block has to offer through this SUBSCRIBE link. You won't regret it. Until next month VitaBoys out.