Geek Fuel is coming… well
actually it’s here! (Game of Thrones reference, or so I am told) Let’s dive straight into our monthly review. Right after we
tell you that if you subscribe below, you get cool extra items thrown into your
already cheaply priced mystery box. So just use the link and save yourself a
few bucks.
March Geekfuel
Price- $13.90
Price of Items- $107
Savings- $93.10
WarMachine Steam Code
EMSRP- $40
Every month Geek Fuel puts a
fantastic mystery game inside the boxes, but this month they really knocked it
out of the park. This month’s game was WarMachine, a steam-punk turn-based
multiplayer action game. Basically you have the Warjacks and the Warcasters.
The Warjacks are giant mechanical warmachines fueled by magic and commanded by
Warcasters (Basically steam-punk wizards). This game is forty dollars on Steam
(and may I remind you Geek Fuel is only thirteen dollars) if that wasn’t enough
Geek Fuel also added some stickers of the main characters in the game with the
code voucher. This is such a cool item, that I unfortunately stopped halfway
through writing this review to go and play this game. I’m sorry, I have failed
you my fans.
Dragon Glass
EMSRP- $15
Do you ever find yourself walking
along the walls of your kingdom during the Night’s Watch? Suddenly a White
Walker jumps out at you and tries to stab you in the throat, well lucky for you
loyal Fuelers you can take out a Dragon Glass Arrow and shoot it right
in-between the eyes. That’s right you guessed it, this item is a Dragon Glass
arrow head. This arrow head is scarily realistic, it not plastic, it’s in fact actually
made of rock which is really impressive. Crow tested, Castle Black approved.
Gears of War Drink
Geek Fuel seems to love getting
us all hyped up on caffeine, so I will be playing through Gears of War with
this limited edition imulsion energy drink with a simplistic design it would be
worth washing out the can for you collectors out there. I don’t know much about Gears of War, but I
know a heck of a lot about bouncing off walls at 2 in the morning when I should
be recording the IHeartRadio show, so yeah thanks GeekFuel.
Game of Thrones Comic Book
EMSRP- $12
Up next we have our second Game
of Thrones item which is an amazing comic book. You can even get one of five
comics and it’s an official reproduction of George R.R. Martin’s classic.
Obviously I don’t know much about Game of Thrones either or this paragraph
would be a lot longer. I’m hoping the editor just glosses……..JUST GLOSS JEFF!
Darryll Jones Poster
EMSRP- $15

Mystery Shirt
EMSRP- $20
Finally, Last but definitely not
least the monthly mystery tee shirt, possibly my favorite exclusive Geek Fuel
tee shirt yet. It features famous classic video games such as Mario, Mega Man,
Sonic the Hedgehog, Halo, Legend of Zelda, and Final Fantasy all in the theme
of Game of Thrones each game franchise has its own throne. This tee-shirt is a
Geek Fuel exclusive so if you didn’t subscribe to Geek Fuel you won’t be able
to get it anywhere else.
I'd say why would you not want to join. Only $13 a month. Click the picture here and go join and get a little something extra in your boxes!