I'm not going to lie, the entire VitaBoys team have never been too fond of Lego titles on the PS Vita. Often times too many features are cut from the game series that you have come to know and love. Ultimately that just leaves the game feeling stale and dry on the system and leaves fans wondering why the PS Vita was left in the dark. This situation has occured many times regarding the PS Vita Lego titles. It feels as if the games are always a ploy to get money, without the product ever even being worth picking up. However I am certainly proud to say, that while this game does have its flaws, it is still a much improved Lego game on the PS Vita that is totally worth picking up.
Story 8/10- The story honestly doesn't score this high because of how good it is, but rather because it meets the criteria one would expect from a Lego title on the PS Vita system. The story of Lego Ninjago: Shadow of Ronin is an untold story that occurs between seasons 4 and 5 of the TV series. In fact the game basically connects the two seasons of the show, which is a great added bonus for those who are fans of the show. The story, once again, is not a deep or thoughtful story. Do not expect to be overtly moved, or mentally challenged in any way here. The story offers a whole-hearted good time, full of laughs and giggles. This is why we give the story an 8/10, it delivers where one would expect a Lego game to deliver.
Gameplay 8/10- The gameplay, just like the Story, is the typical gameplay anyone would expect when picking up the Lego title on the PS Vita. You play through linear levels where you collect orbs, traverse platforms, solve unique puzzles, and destroy the lego baddies to gain more of those precious orbs. It can be repetitive, but you can't count down for that, because it is what we have come to expect from Lego titles. Furthermore, it is the popular formula that has continued to sell Lego titles.
Something about this Gameplay does certainly feel a bit more unique and fun than previous Lego titles on the system. I honestly could not pinpoint what exactly gives it that little something extra. Perhaps it isn't just the Gameplay alone, but rather a mixture of new elements added here and there, sprinkled in, that make the gameplay a more well rounded experience than previous titles.
Replay 4/10- Here is where the game suffers a little, there is no inherent reason to ever replay this title. There is the obvious reason of always going back to platinum the title, but beyond that once finished there is no real incentive to replay the title. Honestly, with the small price tag of the game you can't really hold that against the game. It still is worth picking up without the ability of replaying the title. For what little its worth, it is a fun replay, but there is no reason to ever go back.
Graphics/Sound 8/10- The Artwork in Lego Ninjago: Shadow of Ronin is in my opinion the best I've seen in Lego title on the PS Vita. That doesn't mean its anything special or unseen before on the system, just that the colors blend well, they are bright and vibrant. Ultimately, it does make the game more enjoyable, and certianly aids in this title being one of the best Lego games placed on the system.
Lego Ninjago: Shadow of Ronin is a great title, and that is honestly the first time I have ever said that about a Lego game on the Vita. I still am displeased that the system doesn't ever get to see any Free-Roam aspects, and instead have a very linear level system. However, overlooking that, and understanding what we have to deal with. Lego Ninjago isn't a bad title, and is in fact worth picking up. I honestly have nothing more to say. The game was a great play.
Story 8/10- The story honestly doesn't score this high because of how good it is, but rather because it meets the criteria one would expect from a Lego title on the PS Vita system. The story of Lego Ninjago: Shadow of Ronin is an untold story that occurs between seasons 4 and 5 of the TV series. In fact the game basically connects the two seasons of the show, which is a great added bonus for those who are fans of the show. The story, once again, is not a deep or thoughtful story. Do not expect to be overtly moved, or mentally challenged in any way here. The story offers a whole-hearted good time, full of laughs and giggles. This is why we give the story an 8/10, it delivers where one would expect a Lego game to deliver.

Something about this Gameplay does certainly feel a bit more unique and fun than previous Lego titles on the system. I honestly could not pinpoint what exactly gives it that little something extra. Perhaps it isn't just the Gameplay alone, but rather a mixture of new elements added here and there, sprinkled in, that make the gameplay a more well rounded experience than previous titles.
Replay 4/10- Here is where the game suffers a little, there is no inherent reason to ever replay this title. There is the obvious reason of always going back to platinum the title, but beyond that once finished there is no real incentive to replay the title. Honestly, with the small price tag of the game you can't really hold that against the game. It still is worth picking up without the ability of replaying the title. For what little its worth, it is a fun replay, but there is no reason to ever go back.

Lego Ninjago: Shadow of Ronin is a great title, and that is honestly the first time I have ever said that about a Lego game on the Vita. I still am displeased that the system doesn't ever get to see any Free-Roam aspects, and instead have a very linear level system. However, overlooking that, and understanding what we have to deal with. Lego Ninjago isn't a bad title, and is in fact worth picking up. I honestly have nothing more to say. The game was a great play.
Story- 8/10
Gameplay- 8/10
Replay- 4/10
Graphics/Sound- 8/10