Caleb, a 24 year old American Hero has risked his life for years in order to protect others as a Firefighter in Huntsville Alabama. Now he is facing the biggest challenge of his entire life, and its our time to give back to a man that has never quit giving since his birth.
In an unseen and sudden change in his life, Caleb Atnip has been diagnosed with Stage 4 Colon Cancer. The emotional toll on him, his family, and his new fiance is more than enough to bear; and now the financial burden is becoming unbearable as well.
Caleb began experiencing issues in June 2015 which eventually got so severe that he decided it was time to go to the Hospital. Upon initally visiting the hospital he was misdiagnosed with a bacterial infection, given antibiotics and sent on his way. Unfortunately the story doesn't end there, of course his issues progressively got worse before finding his way into the hospital once again. This is when the devastation struck. Caleb Atnip was ultimately diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and told he wasn't expected to live longer than a few years.
With a surgery, several tests, multiple hospital stays, and upcoming Chemo treatment, the family is buried in debt only a month in. Caleb was a young man attempting to get on his feet, start a family, buy a house, and live a normal life. Now all of these things have been put on hold to fight what now has turned into a huge financial battle. On top of all these issues, Caleb was forced to move back in with his family. The apartment complex where he had stayed wouldn't let him out of his lease, and now he is forced to continue payments there as well.
There is no way Caleb or his family can fight this fight alone. We ask that you give what you can, be it prayers or financial support.